The Investment Policy & Compliance Unit

The Investment Policy and Compliance Unit (IPCU) is a governmental entity established in 2005 under the Ministry of National Development, Investment & Culture. It operates with a broad focus on investment policy development, project implementation, & compliance incentive regulations. With a mission to enhance the investment climate in Belize, IPCU plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth & facilitating a conducive environment for investments.


Driving Investment Growth & Regulatory Compliance

Establishment & Regulation
Establishment & Regulation

IPCU established in 2005 under the Ministry of National Development, Investment & Culture, regulating portfolios such as EPZ, Gaming, Lotteries, & Fiscal Incentives.

Broad Focus
Broad Focus

IPCU’s evolution after the Ministry’s re-structuring in 2012, with a broader focus on policy planning, project development, program implementation, & compliance incentive regulations.

Investment Climate Improvement
Investment Climate Improvement

IPCU’s efforts aimed at enhancing investment policy, improving the investment climate in Belize, & conducting technical assessments for the Ministry’s responsibilities.